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The witches from California will come flying to Trutnov Battlefield!!! SACRIFICIAL SLAUGHTER!!!

SACRIFICIAL SLAUGHTER from the US is in deed a piece of a properly executed death metal work. Fighting in the scene since 2002 though not very well-known in these parts. 
However, it does not matter much as the guys are absolutely great as for musical skills. You can primarily be looking forward to traditional execution of American death metal spiced with a bit of thrash metal, grind core or hardcore. This combination makes SACRIFICIAL SLAUGHTER a very pleasant musical experience.  

They will perform on the OEF boards for the first time so I believe they will strive to show you the best of them. I think their show will be fucking worth it. So you should be ready to be there in front of the stage or to stage-dive. You will have an ideal soundtrack for this activity.