dny: hodiny: minuty: sekundy:

  • P.R.S.O!

P.R.S.O! Serbia

P.R.S.O! - Sound 09.mp3


Band started playing in 2007 and has done many gigs since then and started touring in 2013 and since then done 6 Eu tours. Toured:Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Denmark, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Romania Played at festivals: Winter Hardcore Madness #3 Sarajevo Bosnia, Monte Paradiso #23 Pula Croatia, SAWA #7 Zupanja Croatia, Ulice Protif Fasizma #16 Novi Sad Serbia. The thematic of the band is strictly antifascist, antihomophobic, anticapitalist, antisexists with no tolerance for the bullshit. We have several recordings and 3 releases, a live album on a CD from 2012, ep7'' Nase Vreme from 2014 and Otpad Generacije on a CD in 2016 but it's going to be on a 7'' vinyl soon. It's a five piece band with two vocals so you can find the classic crust/grind style and old hardcore two vocal style music, we listen to different kinds of music so everything can be heard.


Datum vydání Název nahrávky Média
2016 Otpad Generacije CD
2014 Nase Vreme EP
2012 Live Album CD
2008 Split with agitator DEMO


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